Афанасьева, 6. Рабочая тетрадь 2. Unit 5

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Прочитай диалоги и допиши в них недостающие реплики.
1. — Excuse me. What’s your name?
— I’m Mary Dickens.
— How do you spell Dickens?
— D-i-c-k-e-n-s.
2. — Why is Peter in bed? What’s the matter?
— He is Ш.
— I’m sorry.
3. — Hello! Are you having a good time?
— A good time? I’m cooking dinner!
— Can I help?
— Thank you.
Посмотри на картинки и выбери к каждой из них подходящую подпись.
1. Robert is opening his box.
2. Robert is closing the window.
3. Robert is putting his bag in the desk.
4. Robert is giving an apple to his horse.
Некоторые подписи к этим рисункам неверны. Исправь их там, где это необходимо.
1. — Happy birthday! — Thank you very much!
2. Sam is going to school.
3. Ron is driving his new car.
4. Don is writing a letter in English.
5. Mr Wilson is standing at the shop window.
6. Rose Barton is taking her little brother to the cinema.
7. Close your books.
8. I can’t come. I’m ill in bed.
9. Can you open the door?
10. What time is it now?
Прочитай, что Ron рассказывает о том, как проводит свой школьный день его сестра и ответь на вопросы после текста.
1. Linda is Ron’s sister.
2. At a quarter past eight the girls meet at the bus stop.
3. Yes, they do.
4. Linda comes to school at twenty-five minutes past eight.
5. Diana comes to school at twenty-five minutes past eight too.
6. No, they don’t. They usually have five classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
7. No, it isn’t.
8. Linda’s desk is in front of the teacher’s table.
9. Linda puts her books, pens and pencils on the desk.
10. The school begins at half past eight and it finishes at half past three.
Подбери недостающие реплики к этим рисункам.
1. d) 2. b) 3. а) 4. с)
Mr and Mrs Biggs проводили своих десятерых детей на отдых в Испанию. Сами же они остались в Лондоне и пытаются представить себе, что сейчас делают их дети. Напиши, что они говорят друг другу.
1. — Is Dolly having tea now? — Yes, I think so.
2. — Are Ken and Sam playing tennis? — No, I don’t think so.
3. — Is Polly swimming now? — Yes, I think so.
4. — Are Ken and Sam playing football? — Yes, I think so.
5. — Is Andy reading now? — No, I don’t think so.
6. — Are Tommy and Wendy riding bikes? — Yes, I think so.
7. — Are Lizzy and Ann swimming now? — Yes, I think so.
8. — Is Don watching a film? — Yes, I think so.
9. — Are our children having a good time? — Yes, I think so.
Напиши вопросы и ответы к ним.
1. — When does the bus come?
— It comes at half past two.
2. When does the class begin?
— It begins at half past eight.
3. — When does the shop open?
— It opens at nine o’clock.
4. — When does the bus go?
— It goes at a quarter past four.
5. — When does the bank close?
— It closes at seven o’clock.
6. — When does the school finish?
— It finishes at half past three.
7. — When does Marry get up?
— She gets up at a quarter to seven.
8. — When does father come home?
— He comes at twenty past seven.
9. — When does Simon go to bed?
— He goes to bed at eleven o’clock.
10. — When does Peter come to school?
— He comes to school at twenty five past eight.
Посмотри на картинки и напиши, что делают сейчас эти люди.
1. Grandad is reading a book.
2. Father is cooking dinner.
3. Mother is driving a car.
4. The teacher is writing on the blackboard.
5. The pupils are singing.
6. The girl is opening the door.
7. The boy is having shower.
8. The babies are sleeping.
9. The children are playing football.
James разговаривает no телефону со своей тетей. Она задает ему вопросы о его многочисленных родственниках. Прочитай ответы, которые дает James, и напиши сами вопросы.
1. — Is dad at home?
2. — Is dad washing his car?
3. — is your mum cooking?
4. — Is Susan playing the piano?
5. — Are Bob and Alice watching television?
6. — Are Polly and Will riding their bikes?
7. — Are Lucy and Mary sleeping?
8. — Are you playing on the computer?
Маленький Jimmy спрашивает у мамы, что делают люди, изображенные на рисунках. Запиши его вопросы.
1. Is the girl swimming?
2. Are the boys playing football?
3. Is the boy running?
4. Is the boy jumping?
5. Are the girls watching television?
6. Is the girl feeding a cat?
7. Are the girls having lunch?
8. Is the boy going go the park?
9. Is the girl riding her bike?
Закончи предложения, вставив предлоги там, где это необходимо.
1. Do you often write to your cousin Jack?
2. Can these children write in English?
3. When does Mary come home after classes?
4. Who can spell “understand” in English?
5. Don’t put the plant on the table, put it on the windowsill.
7. Go to bed, John, it’s your bedtime.
8. Can you write “think” on the blackboard?
9. Give that box to me, Jerry!
10. Meet me at the bus stop.
Напиши, что говорит учитель своим ученикам, когда просит их сделать что-либо во время урока.
1. Can you write “understand”?
2. Can you close the window?
3. Can you say “Good morning”?
4. Can you take these books?
5. Can you read the text?
6. Can you count to ten?
7. Can you open the door?
8. Can you give your pen?
9. Can you sing this English song?
10. Can you listen to the tape recorder?
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