Афанасьева, 6. Unit 6. Step 4

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Закончи предложения, используя ап или а, где это необходимо.
1. I like apples and bananas. I don’t like oranges.
2. — Would you like an apple? — Yes, please. I like apples a lot.
3. I would like an apples or two. I would like to cook an apple pie.
4. — Do you like ham?
5. — Would you like an orange? Would you like a sweet? Would you like a chocolate?
Выбери правильный вариант и закончи предложения.
1. — Do you like tea?
— Yes, I do. I drink tea a lot.
2. — Would you like an orange?
— No, thank you. Can I have an apple?
3. — Do you like porridge for breakfast?
— Yes, I always eat porridge for breakfast.
4. — Would you like a cake?
— Yes, I please. I like them very much.
5. — Would you like an orange?
— No, thank you. I don’t eat oranges.
6. — Do you like fish?
— Yes, I like it very much. I often eat fish.
Сделай задание 8В письменно. Составьте с вой диалоги и разыграйте их.
— Can I have ham and eggs, vegetables and vanilla ice-cream?
— Yes, please. What would you like to drink?
— Some orange juice.
— Very good.
Закончи и перепиши эти диалоги.
1. — What would you like for dinner today?
— Can I have some pizza, please?
— Very good. Would you like some ice-cream too?
— Yes, please. I like ice-cream.
2. — What’s for supper today?
— Chicken and some rice.
— And what salad would you like with them?
— Green salad, please.
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