Афанасьева, 6. Unit 4. Step 2

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А. Однажды, проснувшись рано утром, Kevin обнаружил, что он совсем один, а все его домочадцы куда-то исчезли. Скажи, что кричал Kevin, разыскивая в доме своих родных и свои вещи.
Where is dad? I can’t see him.
Where is my brother? I can’t see him.
Where is my sister? I can’t see her.
Where are my pets? I can’t see them.
Where is my breakfast? I can’t see it.
Where are my cousins? I can’t see them.
Where are my toys? I can’t see them.
Where is my football? I can’t see it.
Скажи, что сейчас готов делать John Barker.
1. It’s seven o’clock in the morning. John is ready to get up.
2. It’s five past eight in the morning. John is ready to go to school.
3. It’s a quarter to one in the afternoon. John is ready to have lunch.
4. It’s ten past four in the afternoon. John is ready to go home.
5. It’s twenty past six in the evening. John is ready to have dinner.
6. It’s a quarter past seven in the evening. John is ready to help in the kitchen.
7. It’s half past eight in the evening. John is ready to feed Smokey.
8. It’s nine o’clock in the evening. John is ready to take Chase out.
9. It’s half past ten in the evening. John is ready to go to bed.
Угадай названия этих мест по их описаниям и напиши эти названия.
1. kitchen
2. bedroom
3. living-room
4. bathroom
5. living-room
6. garden
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