Несвит, 5. Unit 7. Lesson 8

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b) English people usually have breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner or supper. For breakfast they eat porridge with milk or sugar, eggs with bacon, bread and butter or a toast with marmalade, or jam and a cup of tea. For lunch they cat fish and chips, potatoes, beans, carrots, cabbage or peas. People drink tea or coffee, juice or lemonade. At 5 o’clock they have tea with milk, a cake or a roll with jam. In the evening they eat a plate of soup, meat or chicken with vegetables, cheese, tinned fruit, ice-cream or an apple pie.
1. English people usually have three meals during the day. Disagree.
2. People have breakfast at about 9 o’clock. Disagree.
3. Many people have lunch in the cafes or pubs. Agree.
4. Schoolchildren have their lunch at home. Disagree.
5. Schoolchildren don’t bring their packed lunch to school. Disagree.
6. English people usually have a plate of soup, meat or chicken with vegetables, cheese, tinned fruit, ice-cream or an apple pie in the evening. Agree.
Countable nouns: Meals, day, morning, eggs, toast, cafes, pubs, chips, potatoes, beans, carrots, cabbage, peas, sandwiches, cake, roll, chicken, vegetables, apple pie
Uncountable nouns: Porridge, cornflakes, milk, sugar, bacon, bread, butter, marmalade, jam, tea, fish, coffee, juice, lemonade, fruit, soup, meat, cheese, ice-cream
For breakfast Mr Parker usually has bacon and eggs, cornflakes and milk.
For lunch Mr Parker usually has fish and chips and vegetables.
For dinner Mr Parker usually has a plate of soup, potatoes with meat and an apple pie.
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