Лапицкая, 5. Unit 1. Lesson 6

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Elfin and Lucky are heroes because Lucky picked up the doll and Elfin picked up the ball from the water.
На прошлых выходных Лиз с семьёй поехали на море. Они взяли Эльфина, Майка и его собаку Лаки с собой. Они позавтракали, упаковали обед и в 10 часов были в микроавтобусе. Папа Лиз вёл автобус на побережье. Они были счастливы, потоMy что день был солнечный и очень тёплый.
Они приехали наморев12.30. Эльфин играл в мяч с Кеном, младшим братом Лиз, а Никки, младшая сестра Лиз играла со своей куклой Алисой. Майк помогал папе Лиз со столом и стульями. Лиз помогала своей маме накрывать на стол. Вскоре обед был готов. Они ели курицу и бутерброды с огурцом, бутерброды с яйцом и сыром и пиццу. Потом они ели бананы и апельсины. Родители Лиз пили кофе, а дети пили апельсиновый сок и яблочный сок. Вкусно!
Вдруг большая волна смыла мячик Кена и куклу Ники в море. Ники начала плакать: «Алиса! Где моя Алиса!» Кен побежал к маме: «Мама, мама! Мой мячик! Он в море! Помогите!» Мама подпрыгнула и побежала к воде.
Лаки запрыгнул в воду и поплыл к кукле. Эльфин взлетел над морем. Лаки взял куклу в зубы и поплыл обратно. А Эльфин достал мяч из воды. «Ура!», закричали дети.
«Где наши герои? Лаки, Эльфин! Это ваше мороженое», сказал папа и дал им мороженое.
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1. С
2. Е
3. D
4. F
5. G
6. В
7. А
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1. Liz’s family, Elfin, Mike and his dog
2. Liz’s dad
3. Mike
4. Liz
5. Ken
6. Lucky
7. Elfin
8. Liz’s dad
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Last weekend I went to the seaside with Liz’s family. We had breakfast, packed our lunch and went to the seaside. The day was sunny and warm. We came to the sea at 12.30. I played with Ken. We played ball. When lunch was ready we ate chicken and cucumber sandwiches and pizza. Then we ate bananas and oranges. Liz’s parents drank coffee. We drank orange juice and apple juice. Suddenly a big wave washed Ken’s ball and Nikki’s doll into the sea. Nikki started crying. Ken asked mum to help. Mum jumped up and ran to the water. Lucky jumped into the water and swam to the doll. When I saw the doll in the water I flew up and over the sea. Lucky brought the ball and I brought the doll. Ken and Nikki were very happy. Liz’s dad gave us some ice-cream.
Last weekend I went to the seaside with my family. We took Elfin, Mike and his dog Lucky with us. We had breakfast, packed our lunch and went to the seaside. The day was sunny and warm. We came to the sea at 12.30. Elfin played ball with Ken. My sister Nikki played with her doll. I helped my mum to lay the table. When lunch was ready we ate chicken and cucumber sandwiches and pizza. Then we ate bananas and oranges. My parents drank coffee. We drank orange juice and apple juice. Suddenly a big wave washed Ken’s ball and Nikki’s doll into the sea. Nikki started crying. Ken asked mum to help. Mum jumped up and ran to the water. Lucky jumped into the water and swam to the doll. Elfin flew up and over the sea. Lucky brought the ball and Elfin brought the doll. Ken and Nikki were very happy. My dad gave Lucky and Elfin some ice-cream.
Last weekend Liz’s family went to the seaside. They took Elfin, Mike and me with them. We had breakfast, packed our lunch and went to the seaside. The day was sunny and warm. We came to the sea at 12.30. Elfin played ball with Ken. Nikki played with her ball. Liz helped her mother. Mike helped Liz’s father. When lunch was ready everybody ate chicken and cucumber sandwiches and pizza. Liz’s parents drank coffee. The children drank orange juice and apple juice. Suddenly a big wave washed Ken’s ball and Nikki’s doll into the sea. Nikki started crying. Ken asked mum to help. Mum jumped up and ran to the water. I jumped into the water and swam to the doll. Elfin flew up and over the sea. I brought the ball and Elfin brought the doll. Ken and Nikki were very happy. Liz’s dad gave us some ice-cream.
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