Кузовлев, 5, 2013. Учебник. Unit 3. Lesson 5. Закрепление

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Заполните пропуски правильными формами глаголов и наречий. Сравните предложения с правилами.
1 We have just washed out graffiti from all the houses in our street. 4
2 My Dad is happy. I have helped to rake the leaves in the garden. 1
3 I have got five excellent marks at school today. 2
4 I can go to the cinema now. I have already learnt the poem. 4
5 My brother has played tennis since 2 o’clock. 3.1)
6 I have played the violin for two hours. 3.2)
Перед Рождеством дети из класса Клэр решили украсить классную комнату и школьный двор. Что они сделали? Составьте предложения, используйте подсказки.
1 Daniel has watered the flowers.
2 Katie and Pam have picked up garbage.
3 Jim and Sam have raked the leaves.
4 Clare has drawn the pictures.
5 Alex has washed the windows.
6 Paul and Jim have swept the paths.
7 Andy has brought the books.
В семье Веллеров трое детей. У них есть свои обязанности. Кто из детей освободиться раньше сегодня? Кто уже сделал всю свою работу? Заполните пропуски правильными формами глаголов из рамки и словами из скобок.
1 But he hasn’t learnt English yet.
2 Stuart has done his homework for two hours.
3 He has already cleaned the garden.
4 Melanie has a lot of homework, too. She has done her homework since 4 o’clock.
5 She has already watered the flowers in the house.
6 Daniel has already learnt the irregular verbs.
7 Melanie has just drawn the picture.
8 Daniel and Melanie have already finished everything.
Дети из разных стиран отправили письма в журнал «Клик». В некоторых их письмах есть ошибки. Найдите ошибки в предложениях и исправьте их. Если ошибок нет, поставьте галочку.
Предложения с ошибками:
1 I have won several prizes since I was seven.
2 My brother and I have played football for three hours.
4 I have drawn a beautiful picture for my granny today.
5 We haven’t finished our project yet.
8 Have you been to Scotland, yet?
9 My sister has spent two weeks in Africa this year.
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