Верещагина, Афанасьева 5. Учебник. Lesson 18

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Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four countries: Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland. Each country has its own capital: Edinburgh in Scotland, Cardiff in Wales, London in England, Belfast in Northern Ireland. Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and the North sea in the east. It is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover.
The head of the state is the Queen but she doesn’t rule. The real power in the state belongs to the British Parliament and the British Government. The parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The members of the House of Lords are permanent and the British elect members of the House of Commons every five years.
In Britain they speak about weather two hundred times a day. In Britain Sunday newspapers come out on Sunday. The British don’t quote famous writers, only who doesn’t know them do it. They have got a good sense of humor. They don’t like to show off.
You should sit up strait.
You shouldn’t eat with your fingers.
You shouldn’t put your elbows on the table.
You should put your dirty knife, fork, spoon on your plate.
You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.
You shouldn’t lick your fingers.
You should say “Thank you after” the meal.
To keep fit people should take exercises, go in for sport, eat healthy food and sleep 8 hours at least.
How do you feel?
How often do you fall ill?
Do you take exercises regularly?
Do you keep to a diet?
Do you eat healthy food?
When were you ill last?
Did you stay in bed?
How many days were you ill?
Did you call the a doctor?
Did you take the medicines he prescribed regularly?
What did the doctor do when he came?
Did he prescribe you any medicine?
What advice did he give you?
Мистер Мартин
Мистер Мартин никогда не был женат. Он жил один в маленьком доме в деревне на юге Уэльса. Мистеру Мартину никогда не было одиноко. Он интересовался многими вещами. Он пытался узнать, как можно больше о Королевстве, королевской семье и её истории.
Он хотел знать, что правительство делает для жизни бедных людей в больших промышленных городах. Мистер Мартин серьёзно изучал закон и часто вёл длинные беседы о проблеме власти в стране со своим соседом, бывшим юристом. У него были очень интересные предложения, предложения, как сделать работу парламента лучше. Но он особенно был заинтересован в проблемах здоровья.
У мистера Мартина было достаточно знаний о здоровье и медицине. Он вёл правильную жизнь и всегда был осторожным в еде и в питье. Он очень редко выходил, когда погода была холодная, потому что он всегда боялся заболеть. Он боялся заболеть каким-нибудь серьёзным заболеванием.
И он часто ходил к своему врачу, которого он уважал и которому определённо верил. Но доктор начал уставать от визитов мистера Мартина и от его воображаемых болезней. На самом деле мистер
Мартин был здоров, он редко простужался, у него никогда не было головной боли, ушной боли или боли в животе. Но он думал, что у него есть всевозможные болезни.
Однажды мистер Мартин ворвался в кабинет к врачу и сказал, что у него ужасная болезнь, о которой он прочитал в газете. Он показал доктору газету.
Доктор прочитал её внимательно и сказал: “Я удивлён, мистер Мартин, что вы думаете, что у вас есть эта болезнь. Нет никаких признаков того, что у вас она есть. Как здесь написано, люди не знают, когда у них есть эта болезнь. Нет никаких симптомов, и люди хорошо себя чувствуют. Они не кашляют и не чихают, у них ничего не болит, пульс в норме и кровяное давление тоже. Им не больно двигаться, дышать или глотать. И, пожалуйста, не валяйте дурака. Вам не стоит волноваться.”
Мистер Мартин обиделся: “Но я так же себя чувствую, доктор. Я тоже ничем этим не страдаю.”
Mr. Martin often went to see his doctor because he was afraid to fall ill and he thought that he had all illnesses imaginable.
He tried to get as much information about the United Kingdom, the Royal family and its history. One day Mr. Martin hurried into the doctor’s office and told him he was sure, he had some terrible illnesses, which he had read about in the newspaper. He showed the doctor the paper.
He led regular life and was always careful about what he ate and drank. He hardly ever went out when the weather was cold because he was always afraid that he would fall ill. Mr. Martin was a healthy man, he seldom caught a cold, never had a headache, an earache or pains in the stomach.
Where did Mr. Martin live?
What was he interested in?
Did he have enough knowledge?
Why did he often go to see his doctor?
What did he read about in a newspaper one day?
Mr. Martin lived in a small house in a village in the south of Wales. He was interested in many things. He had enough knowledge about health and medicine. He led a regular life and was always careful about what he ate and drank. He hardly went out when the weather was cold as he was afraid that he would fall ill. He was very afraid of getting some terrible illness. He visited doctor very often though he was a healthy man. One day he came to the doctor and said that he had a terrible illness, which he had read about in a newspaper. When the doctor read the newspaper carefully, he said that there were no symptoms and people usually felt well. They had no pains in the parts of the body. The doctor told Mr. Martin not to worry. But Mr. Martin said that he also felt good.
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