Учебник 2. Unit 6. Какая у нас погода. Шаг 7, страница 64

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Послушай и выбери правильный вариант.
1) b;
2) с;
3) а;
4) а;
5) с;
6) а.
Послушай и скажи, какие, утверждения верны, а о чем нет речи.
1) False;
2) true;
3) not stated;
4) true;
5) false;
6) true.
Прочитай исками, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту.
1) с;
2) а;
3) b.
Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный глагол.
A. 1) are;
2) are;
3) are;
4) is;
5) is.
B. 1) was;
2) was;
3) was, were;
4) were;
5) were.
Прочитай ответы и скажи, какими могли быть вопросы.
1) Where were you (yesterday)?
2) When were you there?
3) Were your friends with you?
4) What was the weather like?
5) Was it hot? Was it sunny?
6) Were there any clouds in the sky?
7) Was it pleasant in the park?
Скажи, были ли эти предметы у древних римлян.
1) No, there weren’t. There were no pianos then.
2) Yes, there were. There were schools then.
3) Yes, there were. There were ships then.
4) No, there weren’t. There weren’t pens and pencils then.
5) Yes, there were. There were hooks then.
6) Yes, there were. There were towns then.
7) No, there weren’t. There weren’t cinemas then.
8) No, there weren’t. There weren’t banks then.
Напиши словарный диктант.
Dry, foggy, nasty, rainy, sunny, weather, want, warm, was, yesterday.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
Задание в учебнике.
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