Учебник 2. Unit 5. Мне нравится еда. Шаг 6, страница 28

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Послушай и скажи, кто завтракает, обедает, ужинает, а кто пьет чай.
2) They are having lea.
3) They are having breakfast.
4) They are having supper.
Посмотри и скажи, что школьники едят и чего бы им хотелось.
Colin is eating ап apple now, but he would like a banana. Sam is drinking milk now. but he would like some juice. Eddy is eating fish now, but he would like some chicken. Dan is eating yogurt now, but he would like some pizza. Kate is eating a sandwich now, but she would like some chocolate.
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A. The Barker’s Breakfast
1) juice;
2) porridge;
3) ham sandwiches;
4) butter;
5) milk and sugar;
6) bacon and eggs.
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Ответь на вопросы.
A. 1) Green Street is wider than Apple Street.
2) Kate is younger than Barbara.
3) It is darker at night.
4) The green tree is higher than the yellow tree.
5) It is colder in winter.
6) My grandparents are older than my parents.
7) Rick is taller than Bob.
8) February is shorter than March.
В. 1) Alice is.
2) Winter is.
3) The snail is.
4) Summer is.
5) February is.
6) The giraffe is.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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