Учебник 1. Unit 2. Мой день. Шаг 5, страница 47

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Послушай диалоги и скажи, как следует их закончить.
1) I’m fine.
2) Thanks.
3) swimming;
4) Good afternoon.
5) Saturdays;
6) riding;
7) lessons:
8) matter;
9) park;
10) I can.
Посмотри и скажи, чего делают или не делают люди.
2) Tom is cooking, he is not washing up.
3) Alice is driving, she is not riding a bike.
4) Fred is taking a shower, he is not swimming in the pool.
5) Kevin is watching television, he is not playing the piano.
6) Max and Bob are playing ping-pong, they are not playing tennis.
7) Kate is sleeping, she is not having breakfast.
8) May is singing, she is not dancing.
Посмотри и скажи, что делают и чего не делают люди.
1) Billy is writing on the wall.
2) Billy is playing the piano.
3) Billy is taking his father’s book.
4) Billy is playing football in the street.
5) Billy is drinking cold milk.
6) Billy is swimming in the lake.
7) Billy is washing Rex.
8) Billy is eating green apples.
9) Billy is drinking dirty water.
10) Billy is reading in the dark room.
Работа с аудиозаписью.
Работа в парах. Задайте друг другу вопросы.
1. Is Betty sleeping? — No, she isn’t. She is reading a book.
2. Is Ann reading a book? — No, she isn’t. She is writing a letter.
3. Are Bob and David playing football? — No, they aren’t. They are standing at the mirror.
4. Is Jim playing computer games? — No, he isn’t. He is feeding his cat.
5. Is Betty dancing? — No, she isn’t. She is singing.
6. Is Ann reading a book? — No, she isn’t. She is playing computer games.
7. Are Bob and David playing football? — No, they aren’t. They are playing tennis.
8. Is Kathy getting up? No, she isn’t. She is sleeping.
9. Is Emma washing up0 – No, she isn’t. She is cooking.
10. Are Polly and Rose driving their cars? — No, they aren’t. They are riding their bikes.
11. Is Harry jumping? — No, he isn’t. He is counting.
12. Is Kathy dressing? — No, she isn’t. She is eating.
13. Is Emma riding a horse? — No, she isn’t. She is driving a car.
14. Are they riding bikes? — No, they aren’t. They are riding a horse.
15. Is Harry playing ping-pong? — No, he isn’t. He is writing on the blackboard.
Задание в учебнике.
Задание в учебнике.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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