Биболетова, 2 класс, 2014 – Учебник – Lesson 34

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I am a tiger. I live in the zoo.
I am a mouse. I live in the house.
I am a fox. I live in the forest.
I am a cockerel. I live on the farm.
In the forest, in the Zoo, on the farm, in the house.
The cats live in the house. The pig lives on the farm. The rabbit lives on the farm.
The frog lives in the forest. The crocodile lives in the Zoo. The bear lives in the forest. The monkey lives in the forest.

The cats are black and white. The pig is pink. The rabbit is white. The frog is green. The bear is brown. The crocodile is green. The monkey is brown.
I’m a frog, a green frog.
Where do you live?
I live in the forest.
I live in the house.
I live in the zoo.
And what about you?
[l] wolf, crocodile, ball, football, basketball, lion,
[f] — five, four, frog, football, father, fox.
[b] — ball, football, basketball, bag, book, bear.
[d] — dog, draw, friend.
[m] — monkey, mouse, mother.
[k] — cat, book, crocodile.
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