- (An activity for children’s language development)
Play the song on the cassette/CD. Children listen, look at the illustrations and number the pictures. During the second listening, hold up your book and point to the items/people mentioned in the song, encouraging children to join in. Next, demonstrate the actions and play the song, encouraging children to participate fully. Check children’s answers. (1, 2, 3)I’ve got a ball
And it goes like this:
Boing, boing, boing! (children mime bouncing a ball)
I’ve got a ball
And I play with it
All day long!
I’ve got a kite
And it goes like this:
Weey, weey, weey!
I’ve got a kite
And I play with it
Every day!
I’ve got a car
And it goes like this:
Vroom, vroom, vroom! (children mime driving a car)
I’ve got a car
And I play with it
In my room!
- Craftwork (Optional)
(An activity to revise language already taught while children practise fine motor skills.)
Tell children they are going to make a paper plane. Photocopy and hand out the Craftwork Sheets. Guide them through the cutting and folding of the paper plane. Go around the class as the children complete the task, providing any necessary help. Invite children to decorate their planes with colours, family members, toys, etc and go around asking questions about their drawings. During this stage, feel free to play any song from the module.
Ending the lesson
- Hand out number picture cards to ten children. Explain that they are ‘stations’. Appoint someone to be the ‘train’. Call out the number of a station. The ‘train’ goes to the station and the child holding the number joins onto the back of the train.